Enabling Carbon Markets in Africa

+ What we do

Measure, Report and Verify in simple steps.

Saving the world with your green project is already too much work. Measuring offset shouldn’t come as added burden.


Real-time Auto Credit Calculator:

Real-time Auto Credit Calculator:

With a few input, our cutting-edge technology instantly calculates your carbon removal efforts in credits, helping you participate in the global carbon market. Stay informed and make informed decisions with ease, as our calculator provides accurate and up-to-date data on your emissions.


Get Project Verified by a Verifying Body:

Get Project Verified by a Verifying Body:

Ensure the credibility and transparency of your carbon offset projects by getting them verified by a trusted certifying body through Ecostack. Our platform connects you with reputable verification organizations, guaranteeing the accuracy and reliability of your emission reduction claims. With independent verification, you can showcase your commitment to sustainability and gain the trust of stakeholders.


Manage Various Projects under One Business Name:

Manage Various Projects

Streamline your carbon management efforts with Ecostack's convenient project management feature. Easily oversee and coordinate multiple carbon offset projects under one business name. Be it cook stoves, solar, REDD+, Wind or DAC, our intuitive platform simplifies the complexities of managing diverse initiatives.


Access Comprehensive Reports:

Access Comprehensive Reports:

Gain valuable insights into your carbon offset activities with Ecostack's comprehensive reporting feature. Our platform provides detailed and user-friendly reports, enabling you to analyze your emissions, offset credits, and progress over time. Access key metrics, visualize data trends, and generate custom reports tailored to your specific needs.

+ Specific solutions

Offsets you
can trust

On Ecostack, you can offset carbon emissions through verified green projects. We take each project through a rigorous verification process, which involves global auditors, accurate carbon accounting and physical visitations guaranteeing the quality and integrity of every initiative.

Discover Projects on our Marketplace

On Ecostack, you can offset carbon emissions through verified green projects. We take each project through a rigorous verification process, which involves global auditors, accurate carbon accounting and physical visitations guaranteeing the quality and integrity of every initiative.

Learn about each project in detail

Gain comprehensive insights into each project. Dive into detailed information about their location, methodology, and the specific environmental benefits they offer. Understand how these projects contribute to carbon reduction and create a greener future.

Manage offsets history, retired credits, and runway

Effortlessly manage your carbon offset activities with Ecostack's intuitive platform. Keep track of your offsets history, monitor retired credits, and maintain a clear understanding of your carbon reduction efforts. Stay in control and effectively plan for future offsets with our runway feature.

Get instant offset reports to relay your net-zero progress

Receive instant reports that showcase your net-zero progress. Stay up to date with your carbon offset achievements and effectively communicate your environmental impact to stakeholders. Access clear and concise reports that highlight your journey towards a sustainable future.

Real world results (Our Technology)

Lead by a team of dedicated climate champions

Elizaberth Omogbai | CFO / Credit Buyer Partnerships

Christopher Ogwumah | Founder / CEO

Onuah Dickson | COO / Credit Seller Partnerships

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